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nombre  |  Karol
Año de nacimiento  |  1970
Continente  |  Europa
Pais  |  Polonia
Ciudad  |  Adamów
Idiomas hablados:
Acerca de mí: Machines in agriculture perform an important function. Simply a number of years past, when there was no such agricultural work on the land was extremely very troublesome and time-consuming. Today, these tasks are performed accurately, faithfully and quickly, and most importantly, no additional struggling folks. They perform work for the machine. The farms will meet a whole ton of various varieties of agricultural machinery Hydroponic Micro Farms. Of course, heaps depends on the specifics of the farm. Alternative agricultural instrumentation are in households focused on fruit, others on those concerned in vegetable growing and still others in places where animals are bred. the most fashionable agricultural machines include all kinds of units, harrows, plows, tractors, combines, forage harvesters and mowers.

Alojamiento: si
Vivo con : pareja,
Sexo de los huéspedes: no importa
Lugar(es) para dormir:
Alimentos: libre
Mascotas: puedes traer a tus mascotas

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