Rumania   Sibiu

Targul Olarilor (Potters Fair) 2009

De:   anastasia

Sibiu County Council through County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture "Cindrelul - Junior" Sibiu in collaboration with National Museum Complex "Astra" and Sibiu City Hall, organize, annnually, on the first week-end of September, in Piata Mare from Sibiu, the Potters' Fair. The event is one of the most prestigious one, which aims the conservation and promotion of traditional folk art of pottery. This year's edition presents the evolution and concerns of ceramic masters from year to year, news and features of the most representative pottery schools in Romania: Horezu, Corund, Baia Mare, Oboga, Glogova, Edge, Obarsa, Radauti, Mehedinti and Sibiu. Potters and craftsmen present new, neat, made with the newest technology and decorated with traditional motifs. Unlike last year, this pottery artisans will be pleased to offer practical demonstrations of the craft


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Añadido   09.09.2009

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