Contacto BhutanTT

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nombre  |  dawatshering
Año de nacimiento  |  1989
Continente  |  Asia
Pais  |  Bután
Ciudad  |  Thimphu
Idiomas hablados: Bhutanese, Nepalese, Hindi, Thai, Japanese, Spanish, English.
Acerca de mí: Portrait Bhutan Tours and Travels is a REGISTERED tour operator under the aegis of Tourism Council of Bhutan TCB/OPR-15/309 and Regional Trade and Industry Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs / LICENSE NO: 1030400/ ISIC CODE-63040. The Agent is run by enthusiastic and experienced employees who has diverse educational qualifications. In addition to this, the employees has multi-dimensional cultural experiences acquired from their stay at Barcelona, Madrid, Panillo, Belgium, Brussels, Oslo, New Delhi, Paris and Bilbao.From Europe in the west to Asia in the east, Portrait Bhutan has employees who can share with you the experiences on how the French people love making cheese and how important are the historical remnants to the people at Prague. Don’t miss the FUN with Portrait Bhutan Tours and Travels.Be a part of us to make you serve better.

Alojamiento: si
Vivo con : padres, pareja, child, solo/a,
Sexo de los huéspedes: no importa
Número máximo de huéspedes: 9999999
Lugar(es) para dormir: habitación separada, cama,
Alimentos: libre
Mascotas: puedes traer a tus mascotas

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